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Environmental consequences of Russia’s war in Ukraine, a talk by Eugene Simonov
Wednesday 6 March, 18:30 - 20:00
| FreeEugene Simonov, an expert and founding member of the Ukraine War Environmental Consequences Work Group (UWEC) will talk about direct and indirect environmental consequences of the war in Ukraine, including chemical pollution, ecosystem and biodiversity destruction, changes in environmental and climate policies in Ukraine, Russia, and other countries in the world, the war’s impact on international cooperation in the area of environmental protection and climate. Presentation will also feature the case-study on environmental consequences of the destruction of the dam at Kakhovska Hydroelectric Power Plant and nature conservation aspects of the Ukraine’s green reconstruction.
Eugene Simonov, Doctor of Conservation (博士), Rivers without Boundaries International Coalition Coordinator Eugene is an environmental activist, journalist and researcher, focusing on empowerment of civil society to protect natural heritage across borders in Russia and US, Europe, China, Central Asia and Asia-Pacific. He is a coordinator of Rivers without Boundaries International Coalition (RwB), which was established in 2009 to address conservation of aquatic environment. Eugene also serves as an expert of the Ukraine War Environmental Consequences Work Group (UWEC). He holds Master’s in Environmental Studies from Yale School of Environment (US) and Doctorate in Nature Conservation from Northeast Forestry University (PRC). For his efforts to protect Lake Baikal in 2014 Eugene was banned from returning to Mongolia and in 2021 inscribed on the List of Foreign Agents by the Government of Russia. Now he is pursuing PhD research on CSO influence on water and energy-related policies of the multilateral development banks at the University of New South Wales -Canberra.
Please find out more about the Ukraine War Environmental Consequences Work Group.
WHEN: Wednesday, 6 March, 18:30 – 20:00
WHERE: Scott Polar Research Institute, Lensfield Road, Cambridge, CB2 1ER and online via Zoom
TICKETS: free, book your place via Allevents. Donations are welcome (suggested donations £5/£10) – by AllEvents or direct transfer to The Cambridge Russian-Speaking Society account: NatWest Bank, Sort Code 60-11-30, Account 25395637; Ref: 6/3 NAME